Toxicology Consultants & Assessment Specialists, LLC

Curriculum Vitae
William R. Sawyer, Ph.D.


Dr. William Sawyer is a professional toxicologist with a doctorate in toxicology from Indiana University School of Medicine. He has more than 35 years of experience in public health and forensic toxicology including 5 years of governmental service. His specialized areas of expertise include causation analyses (defendant, plaintiff or criminal), dioxins, pesticides, solvents, heavy metals, petroleum, crude oil, radionuclides/NORM, alcohol toxicology, drugs-of-abuse, pharmaceuticals, herbal products and other substances.

Contact Information

Toxicology Consultants & Assessment Specialists, LLC (TCAS, LLC)
6450 Pine Avenue
Sanibel, Florida 33957

Toxicology Consultants & Assessment Specialists, LLC (TCAS, LLC)
29 Fennell Street
Skaneateles, New York 13152

Toll-free: 800-308-0080
Florida: 239-472-2436
New York: 315-685-2345

Send a message


Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana
Indiana University Graduate School
Robert B. Forney, Ph.D., Committee Chairman
Ph.D., Toxicology, 1988


1983 - 1988

State University of New York at Geneseo
Edward Ritter, Ph.D., Committee Chairman
Master of Science Degree, Cellular & Molecular Biology, 1982


1979 - 1982

State University of New York at Geneseo
Bachelor of Science Degree, Biology, 1978


1976 - 1978

State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College at Morrisville
Associate Degree, 1976


1974 - 1976


As a scientist and communicator in forensic toxicology, Dr. Sawyer provides services to governmental agencies, corporations, investigators and select defendants and plaintiffs. Dr. Sawyer currently serves as chief toxicologist for Toxicology Consulting and Assessment Specialists, LLC. He has served for 23 years as an assistant professor (adjunct) with the Department of Medicine, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York. Dr. Sawyer also has approximately 14 years of experience as a licensed clinical and environmental laboratory director in several states.

Additionally, Dr. Sawyer has received extensive training in alcohol toxicology at Indiana University School of Medicine (IU) in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. This department is known for its development of the "Drunkometer" which is now known as the breathalyzer/Intoxilyzer. This device was first implemented by Rolla N. Harger, MD, at IU. Later, blood to breath ratios and other original alcohol work was published by the late Dr. Robert. B. Forney (an internationally-respected expert in alcohol toxicology) whom Dr. Sawyer trained under. As part of his training requirements, Dr. Sawyer assisted in training Indiana State Police members who elected to be certified in breathalyzer testing, alcohol toxicology and sobriety screening.

Dr. Sawyer routinely provides impartial toxicological evaluations involving chemical exposures, alcohol ingestion, intentional poisonings, carcinogens, pharmaceuticals, pyrolysis products, heavy metals, organic chemicals and drugs-of-abuse in civil and criminal litigation. Toxic exposure investigations include analytical protocol, referral of autopsy material for analyses, environmental and occupational health risk assessments, site assessment and causation determination. Final work products that include scientific methods and validation, forensic documentation and written reports used in both forensic and routine (non-judicial) assessments are provided to multiple, nationwide clients.

Forensic Environmental and Laboratory Analyses

Through education, training and experience, Dr. Sawyer has gained extensive expertise in forensic petroleum analyses as well as environmental and clinical forensic analyses. With more than 23 years of laboratory experience, Dr. Sawyer has directed laboratory analyses, sampling protocol and chain-of-custody documentation in criminal and civil matters. He has also provided petroleum spill assessments to multiple clients including governmental environmental agencies (NYS DEC), various state attorney general offices (New York), defense and plaintiff law firms and industry.

Professional Experience


Onondaga County Department of Health
Syracuse, New York
Responsible for municipal and civil risk assessment, evaluation of environmental exposures and design and execution of environmental monitoring studies. Advised and communicated with the Office of the Environment/County Executive and legislative subcommittees with respect to public health and environmental health issues. Established a new clinical and environmental toxicology laboratory, licensed under the NYS DOH & NYS ELAP agencies (NYS DOH #SAWYW1 and NYS ELAP license #10183).


1988 - 1993

Assistant Professor (adjunct)

SUNY Upstate Medical University
Department of Medicine
Syracuse, New York


1988 - 2012

Chief Toxicologist

Toxicology Consultants & Assessment Specialists, LLC
Sanibel, Florida
Registered DBA, 1990
Incorporated January, 1994 (New York)
Limited Liability Corporation, January 2009 (Florida)


1990 - Present

Laboratory Director

EXPRESSLAB, Inc. (Lozier Laboratories)
Middlesex, New York

  • NYS DOH clinical license #SAWYW1 (1988-2000)
  • NYS Environmental License (ELAP) #11369
  • National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) #11369
  • New Jersey DEPE License #73744
  • South Carolina Environmental License #9101100
  • California Environmental License

1993 - 2002

Associate Editor

Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine & Sciences
Published by Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc.
Jointly sponsored by Albert Einstein College of Medicine
and Montefiore Medical Center; CME
(continuing medical education) accredited


1997 - 2000

Licensed Laboratory Director

Onondaga County Department of Health
Syracuse, New York
Licensed clinical laboratory, chlorinated hydrocarbons (NYS CLEU)
NYS License #SAWYW1
Forensic Toxicology & Drug Analysis /Qualitative
(License expired 9-26-2000)
NYS ELAP License #10183


1988 - 1993

Analytical Toxicologist (part-time)

State Department of Toxicology
Indianapolis, Indiana


1983 - 1988

Laboratory Technician (part-time)

NIH Clinical Research Center
(National Institute of Health)
Strong Memorial Hospital
Rochester, New York


1979 - 1983

Laboratory Technician (part-time)

Highland Hospital
Special Determinations Laboratory
Rochester, New York


1979 - 1983


OSHA 29 CFR1910.120

Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response
40-hour Certified


Re-certified Dec 2004

Clinical Laboratory Director

New York State Department of Health
Certificate of Qualification
License Code No. SAWYW1



Environmental Laboratory Director

New York State Department of Health
ELAP License #11369
ELAP License #10183



South Carolina Department of Health

Environmental Laboratory Director
ELAP License #9101100



New Jersey DEPE Laboratory Director

License #73744



Asbestos Inspector

EPA Certificate No. 10-111-50-1303



Societies and Honors

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
Associate Member


1986 - Present

National Myositis Association
Medical Advisory Board Member


1995 - 1997

American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Member; Promoted to Fellow, 1998


1985 - Present

Society of Automotive Engineering


1986 - Present

International Association of Forensic Toxicologists


1985 - Present

Sigma Xi Research Competition
5th place



Sigma Pi Alpha Scholastic Honor Society
Academic Award



Professional Presentations

Sawyer, W.R., and Rigle, D.A., "Evaluating Toxic Exposures after Daubert," Featured presentation at the 4th Annual National Expert Witness & Litigation Seminar, Hyannis, Massachusetts, June 23, 1995.

Articles, Abstracts, Treatises and Editorial Publications

Benbrook, C., Mesnage, R., and Sawyer, W., "Genotoxicity Assays Published Since 2016 Shed New Light on the Oncogenic Potential of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides, " Agrochemicals, 2023, Vol. 2, pp. 47-68.

Sawyer, W.R., "Alcohol Content of Beer and Malt Beverages: Forensic Considerations," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 2000, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Logan, B.K., et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences, November 1999, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 1292-1295.

Sawyer, W.R., "Fulminant Liver Failure in a Young Child Following Repeated Acetaminophen Overdosing," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 2000, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Bauer, M, et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences, November 1999, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 1299-1303.

Sawyer, W.R., "Exposure to Contaminated Milk Presents 'Difficult Case' for Application of Daubert Reliability Standard," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. published in Expert Testimony, Evidence, & Trial Consultants, October 1999, Vol. 7, Issue 10, pg. 3.

Sawyer, W.R., "The Extent of Postmortem Drug Redistribution in a Rat Model," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Hilberg, M.D., et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences, September 1999, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 956-62.

Sawyer, W.R., "Potassium Nitrite Reaction with 11-Nor-Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9- Carboxylic Acid in Urine in Relation to the Drug Screening Analysis," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, November 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Lewis, S.A., Journal of Forensic Sciences, September 1999, Vol. 44 No. 5, pp. 951-55.

Sawyer, W.R., "GC/Mass Spectrometry Data from Fire Debris Samples: Interpretation and Application," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, November 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Wallace, J.R., Journal of Forensic Sciences, September 1999, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 996-1012.

Sawyer, W.R., "Toluene Diisocyanate Colocalizes with Tubulin on Cilia of Differentiated Human Airway Epithelial Cells," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 12, August 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Lange, R.W., et al., Toxicological Sciences, July 1999, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 64-71.

Sawyer, W.R., "Differential Diagnosis Methodology Accepted by U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals," Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 12, August 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. Referenced Literature: The Testifying Expert, July 1999, Vol. 7, Issue 7, pg. 9 and Vol. 7, Issue 6, pg. 2.

Sawyer, W.R., "The Enigma of Arsenic Carcinogenesis: Role of Metabolism," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 11, July 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Goering, P.L., et al., Toxicological Sciences, May 1999, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 5-14.

Sawyer, W.R., "Blood Alcohol Content Testimony," Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 11, July 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. Referenced Literature: The Testifying Expert, June 1999, Vol. 7, Issue 6, pg. 9 and Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies.

Sawyer, W.R., "Forensic Evaluation of Pulmonary Toxicity Attributed to Amiodarone," (Special Presentation), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 10, June 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. Literature Review Backer, et al., American Heart, Vol. 123 (6), June, 1992, PDR, 1999, et al.

Sawyer, W.R., "Fatal Ingestion of Paroxetine (Deroxatt TM)," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 10, June 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Tracqui, P., et al., Bulletin of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, January 1999, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 9-10.

Sawyer, W.R., "A New Drug-of-Abuse 4-Methylthioamphetamine (Flatliners) & Toxic Related Fatality," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 10, June 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Groombridge, C., et al., Bulletin of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, April 1999, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 5-9.

Sawyer, W.R., "The Response of the Intoxilyzer 5000 to Five Potential Interfering Substances," Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 9, May 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Caldwell, J.P. and Kim, N.D., Journal of Forensic Science, 1997, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1080-87.

Sawyer, W.R., "Nitrites Adulteration in Urine Drug Testing," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 8, April 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Spiehler, V., Bulletin of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Spring 1999, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 17-18.

Sawyer, W.R., "A Case of Ballistic Toxicology," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 8, April 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Kerkoff, W., Bulletin of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Spring 1999, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 4-5.

Sawyer, W.R., "Postmortem Drug Redistribution - Human Cases Related to Results in Experimental Animals," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 7, March 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Hilberg, T., et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences, January 1999, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 3-9.

Sawyer, W.R., "Special Publication – Forensic Source Identification of Lead," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 6, February 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc.

Sawyer, W.R., and Rigle D.A. Original Article/Special Presentation, "Toxicology of Aromatic Hydrocarbons," Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences,Vol. 1, No. 5, January 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc.

Sawyer, W.R., "Controlled Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Exposure of Male Volunteers," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 6, February 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Nihlen, A, et al,. Toxicological Sciences, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 143-150, November 1998.

Sawyer, W.R., "Vitamin B2 Interference with TDx Drugs-of-Abuse Assays," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 5, January 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Kunsman, SW., et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences, November 1998, Vol. 43, No.6, pp. 1225-27.

Sawyer, W.R., "A Fatal Case of Benzene Poisoning & Special Discussion by Drs. Sawyer & Rigle," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 5, January 1999, Oakstone Medical Publishing, Inc. from Barbera, N, Bulla, G. & Romano, G. Journal of Forensic Sciences, November 1998, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 1250-1.

Sawyer, W.R., "Biological and Chemical Hazards of Forensic Skeletal Analyses," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences , Vol. 1, No. 4, December 1998, Educational Reviews, LLC from Galloway, A. and Snodgrass, BA., Journal of Forensic Sciences, September 1998, Vol. 43, No. 5 pp. 940-48.

Rigle, D.A., Sawyer, W.R., Original Article/Special Presentation: "Carbon Monoxide Toxicity versus Carbon Dioxide Toxicity and their Relationship in Attempted Suicide," Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, November 1998, Educational Reviews, LLC.

Sawyer, W.R., "2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Pregnant Long Evans Rats: Disposition to Maternal and Embryo/Fetal Tissues," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 1998, Educational Reviews, LLC from Hurst, CH, et al., Toxicological Sciences, October 1998, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 129-36.

Sawyer, W.R., "Burns from undisclosed acids in a liquid used by temporary workers. A recent problem in occupational medicine caused by lack of information," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, September 1998, Educational Reviews, LLC. Vol. 1, No. 3, November 1998, from Fischer, M., Hellmann, A., et al., Deutche Medizinische Wochenschrift, February 6, 1998, Vol. 123, No. 6, pp. 151-54.

Sawyer, W.R., "Automobile Exhaust as a means of Suicide: An Experimental Study with a Proposed Model," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, November,1998, Educational Reviews, LLC from Morgen, C., Schramm, J., et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 4, July 1998, pp. 827-36.

Sawyer, W. R., "The Absorption, Blood Levels, and Excretion of Mercury after a Single Dose of Mercury Vapor in Humans," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract) Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 1998, Educational Reviews, LLC from Sandborgh, G, et al., Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, May 1997, Vol. 150, pp. 146-153.

Sawyer, W.R., "The Effect of Glutaraldehyde Adulteration of Urine Specimens on Behring Syva Emit II Drugs-of-Abuse Assays," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment and Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol.1, No. 2 October 1998, Educational Reviews, LLC. from George, Bulletin of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Vol. 27, No. 2, January 1997, pp. 10-11.

Sawyer, W.R., "Identification of Unique Cocaine Metabolites and Smoking By-Products in Postmortem Blood and Urine Specimens," (Special Article Review Presentation, Critical Assessment an Original Abstract), Practical Reviews in Forensic Medicine and Sciences, Vol.1, No. 1, September 1998, Educational Reviews, LLC. from Jenkins, AJ and Goldberger, BA , Journal of Forensic Science, 1997, Vol. 42, No. 5, September, pp. 824-827.

Miller, F.W., Sawyer, W.R., "What Causes Myositis," National Myositis Association Newsletter, No. 16, pg. 2, December, 1995.

Rigle, D.A., Sawyer, W.R., "Evaluation of Toxic Exposures After Daubert," S.E.A.K. Expert Witness Handbook, S.E.A.K., 1995 edition.

Sawyer, W.R., and Rigle, D.A., "Toxic Etiology of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Review of Case Histories with Documented Toxic Exposure," Published in the Society of Toxicology, The Toxicologist, Volume 15, No. 1, 1995, pp. 228 - 229.

Sawyer, W.R., "Analysis of Volatile Organic Contaminants from Biological Matrices by Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry," Presented at the 44th Annual American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, February 20, 1992, Abstract No. K45, pg. 197.

Sawyer, W.R., Doedens, D.J., Authors Response to Discussion of "Heroin, Morphine and Hydromorphone Determination in Postmortem Material by High Performance Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 35, No. 3, May, 1990, pp. 522-523.

Sawyer, W.R., Steup, D.R., Martin, B.S. and Forney, R.B., "Cardiac Blood pH as a Possible Indicator of Postmortem Interval," Presented at the 40th Annual American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Meeting, February 19, 1988, Abstract No. K65, pg. 141.

Carfagna, M.A., Sawyer, W.R., and Forney, R.B., "Postmortem Distribution of Ethanol in Rats," The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Abstracts, 1987, pg. 13.

Sawyer, W.R., Forney, R.B., "Postmortem Disposition of Morphine in the Rat," Presented at the 24th International Meeting, Banff, Canada, The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Abstracts, 1987, pg. 12.

Sawyer, W.R., Doedens, D.J. and Forney, R.B., "Heroin, Morphine, and Hydromorphone Determination in Postmortem Material by High Performance Liquid Chromatography," American Academy of Forensic Sciences 38th annual meeting, Abstract K13, 1986, pg. 114.

Sawyer, W.R., Steup, D.R., Martin, B.S. and Forney, R.B., "Cardiac Blood pH as a Possible Indicator of Postmortem Interval," Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov. 1988, pp. 1439-1444.

Sawyer, W.R., Forney, R.B., "Postmortem Disposition of Morphine in Rats," Forensic Science International, Vol. 38, Oct. 1988, pp. 259-273.

Sawyer, W.R., Waterhouse, G.A.W., Doedens, D.J. and Forney, R.B., "Heroin, Morphine and Hydromorphone Determination in Postmortem Material by High Performance Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 5, Sept. 1988, pp. 1146-1155.

Carfagna, M.A., Sawyer, W.R., and Forney, R.B., "Postmortem Distribution of Ethanol in Rats," The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Proceedings of the 24th International Meeting, July 28-31, 1987, pp. 87-93.

Sawyer, W.R., Ritter, E. and Faloon, W.W., "The Morphological Effects of Chenodeoxycholic Acid on Human Gastric Mucosa," The American Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol. 79, No. 5, 1984, pp. 348-353.

Personal Information

Dr. Sawyer is a member of the Gulf Coast Swim Team as a distance swimmer and completed several "Swim Around Key West" 12.5 mile ocean swim races in under six hours. He is also a triathlete with the distinction of being a four-time Ironman. He loves to fish and SCUBA dive in northern New York State and the Gulf of Mexico.

Place of Birth: Webster, New York

Citizenship: United States

Marital Status: Married, 1989

This is an informational and instructional website devoted to toxicology. It presents both original and edited public-domain content compiled as a useful educational resource. References and footnotes have been included wherever possible and image sources have been cited where appropriate. Although most pages can be printed or downloaded as PDF files (and we encourage you to make constructive use of our information), this website is copyrighted and material may only be reproduced and/or distributed with prior permission from TCAS, LLC.